Help - Privacy policy
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The Australian Childhood Foundation relies heavily on the support and donations of the community to continue its programs and services. We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy. Any information you provide us remains private and is only used for the purposes of the organisation to communicate with our supporters and/or participants in our programs. The identity of anyone who contacts us is kept confidential.

Personal contact details provided by individuals who donate to the Australian Childhood Foundation or who take part in any of our activities are added to our supporter data base unless we receive a request that this does not occur.

The Australian Childhood Foundation endorses and abides by the 10 National Privacy Principles set out by the Privacy Act which cover collection, use and disclosure, data quality, data security, openness, access and correction, identifiers, anonymity, transborder data flows and sensitive information.

Information collected by the Australian Childhood Foundation is kept on a secure database that is not shared with any other organisation.


Individuals listed on the Australian Childhood Foundation data base may choose to opt-out of any or all of our communications at any time by contacting us:

By telephone: (03) 9874 3922 or
National freecall 1800 176 453
By email:
By mail: Australian Childhood Foundation
PO BOX 525, Ringwood VIC 3134


The Australian Childhood Foundation will not pass on or sell private information detailed on our database to any other organisation or business unless it is for the expressed purposes of raising funds for the Foundation or communicating to supporters or participants about our services and programs. Private information may be released where we are required to by law or where the interests of the Foundation requires disclosure.
Access to Information

Individuals on the database of the Australian Childhood Foundation may have access to their own personal information. This information may be requested by contacting the Foundation in writing, phone or by email.


Every effort will be made to resolve a complaint quickly and effectively as soon as the Foundation has been made aware of that complaint. Any complaints should be brought to the attention of the CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation. In the event that further resolution is required, the complaint should be brought to the attention of the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.